Blue Byrds After School Care
For children from Nursery to Year 6
‘Blue Byrds’ After School Care is available for all year groups from 3:20pm until 5pm, Monday to Friday. The club is available for full or part-time sessions and will be led by experienced existing school staff.
We aim to provide a high quality Extended School Club that meets the needs of both parents/carers and children. For parents/carers, this means knowing that your child is safe and happy in a club that is reliable and offers consistent service. For a child, this means an environment that is safe, supportive and encouraging. It is a place to be with friends and make new ones and to be able to try out new activities, to relax, to have fun and enjoy themselves.
Contact Information
Extended School Club Supervisors are: Ms Swallow, Ms Ferreira, Ms Pereira & Ms Darby
You can contact the school until 4pm on the main school telephone number:
01895 462 394
After 4pm contact number for Extended School Club:
07947 187 185
The Extended School Club is available from 3:20pm until 5pm, Monday to Friday, during term time only. Please note this will not include the last days of term, when we finish at 1pm. The club will not operate during school INSET Days when the school is closed to children.
A member of the After-School Club will collect the children from their classrooms and escort them to the Club, where they will be signed in, to the after-school club register.
If children are booked into the Extended School Club for a part session on a day when they participate in an after-school activity, they will be escorted from the after-school activity to Blue Byrds.
Please arrive promptly to pick up your child. You will be asked to sign your child out of the register at the close of the session. It is important that you let staff know if anyone other than you (the parent/carer) is collecting your child and provide a password.
All children must be picked up by 5pm. If you are unable to pick your child up, you must notify the Extended School Club Supervisor and say who you have nominated to pick up your child.
Late Collection Charges
We want to inform you about some important changes to our Blue Byrds After School Care and our late collection policy, with immediate effect.
If you are late to collect your child, they will be placed in the Blue Byrds After School Care. Late collection charges will apply after 3:30pm as follows:
- Until 4pm: £5 per child
- After 4pm until 5pm: £10 per child
These changes are aimed at maintaining the efficiency of our services and ensuring the well-being of all children under our care. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to these updated policies.
We reserve the right to charge a late collection fee of £5 per quarter of an hour in the event of a pick up after 5pm. If a child is not picked up by 5:45pm and we have had no contact, and we have attempted to contact all persons on the registration form, we are obliged to contact Social Services.
A substantial snack will be provided by the club at the beginning of the session. Juice and fresh water will be freely available throughout the session.
Accident and Emergency Procedures
If your child has an accident at the After-School Club, we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible. If emergency treatment is required, a member of staff will accompany your child to the hospital. You will be asked to meet the member of staff at the hospital. All accidents that result in hospitalisation are recorded electronically in school and passed onto the Local Authority.
Parents must inform the Extended School Club Supervisor if your child has any known medical condition or health problem, or has been in contact with infectious diseases. Parents must comply with the exclusion guidelines in operation at the school, and children must not be brought to the After-School Club if unwell. Your child’s welfare is our main concern and in the interests of the remaining children, if, in the opinion of the staff, a child is ill, then the parent/carer will be contacted to collect their child as soon as possible.
Examples of Activities
There will be a number of activities on offer during After School Club; these activities will change on a daily basis and will be planned by the Extended School Club Supervisor. Activities may include a chance to complete homework, quiet reading, outdoor play and sports, arts and creative play and collaborative games, amongst other opportunities.
Parents/Carers who do not wish their children to be photographed or videoed in the Extended School Club setting, must write to the Extended School Club Supervisor stating this. Photographs/videos may be used in Extended School Club promotional material such as press releases and the school website.
Severe Weather
In the event of the Extended School Club’s closure due to severe weather, parents will be contacted via the emergency telephone number provided. In the event of any cancellation of a session by the school, a refund for that session will be payable.
How do I register my child?
If you would like to register your child for after-school care, please collect a registration form from the school office or fill in the online form below. This form only needs to be filled in once.
Fees & Payment
For all sessions, payment must be paid in advance via ParentPay.
For regular bookings –payment must be made at least a week in advance
For non-regular bookings – payment must be made at least 24 hours in advance
Full session (3:20pm – 5pm)
£10 per child
Part session (3:20pm – 4pm)
£5 per child
Part session (4:20pm – 5pm)
£5 per child
Part session (4:15pm – 5pm after extra-curricular clubs)
£5 per child
Part session (4:20pm – 5pm after sports clubs finish)
£5 per child
If any fees remain outstanding, you will receive a verbal reminder. If fees remain outstanding one working week from the verbal notice, a written reminder will be issued. If fees still remain outstanding after the written warning, your child’s place will be withdrawn.
If you have booked Blue Byrds and need to cancel, please do so by 2pm the latest. Cancellations should be made via email to Failure to cancel on time will result in an extra charge of £5.