Friday 17 December
Dear Parents/Carers
1. Updated advice for confirmed contacts of any variant of Covid-19
From this week, all adults who are fully vaccinated and all children aged 5-18 years who have been identified as a close contact of someone with any variant of Covid-19 should take daily lateral flow tests for 7 days instead of self-isolating.
If your child is identified as a close contact, they should take a LFD test every day before coming to school for 7 days. Results should be reported to the Online Reporting System and school. If your child tests negative, they can attend school as normal.
Please see below a flow chart to help you:
2. Contingency plans for any disruption to in-school education in January 2022
We are once again living in uncertain times and none of us can know what course the pandemic will take next or what this new variant has in store for us over the coming weeks. I would like to reassure you all that we are prepared for any eventuality in January either in terms of local or national lockdowns or in the event of severe staff shortages. I will communicate with you as soon as we have any updates – please do keep an eye out for any emails from school.
Whilst we sincerely hope that we will not experience any further full or partial school closures, we have full plans in place should the worst happen and will be ready to move to remote learning immediately should the need arise.
You can find our contingency plans on the school website in the parents section under the COVID-19 tab.
Please note that the school office will be closed over the Christmas period. If you have any urgent queries, please email
If your child is going to be absent at the start of next term due to receiving a positive Covid-19 test, please telephone the main school office on Tuesday 4 January: 01895 462 394.
I wish all of our families a very merry and peaceful Christmas and Happy New Year.
Mrs S Roberts
Head of School