Return to School Information Monday 8 March

Update from the Head of School

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope that this letter finds you and your families well. I would like to start by sincerely thanking all of our parents and carers for the amazing job you have been doing in supporting your children to learn at home. We have been delighted to see very high levels of engagement from children in all year groups and we have received some very kind messages of support from our school community. We are now really looking forward to welcoming all children back to school. Please note that all children are expected to return on 8 March.

What time does school start and finish?

We have made a few slight changes to our start and finish times – changes are in grey in the table below. Please only arrive at your allocated time. Please note that drop off and pick up locations will be the same as last term.

Year Group Start Time Finish Time
Nursery am 08:30 11:30
Nursery pm 12:30 15:30
Reception 08:30 14:40
Year 1 08:40 14:50
Year 2 08:30 14:40
Year 3 08:50 15:05
Year 4 08:50 15:05
Year 5 08:40 14:55
Year 6 08:30 14:45

How will we keep everyone safe?

We will continue to use the recommended protective measures in school to keep everyone safe, including:

  • Regular hand cleaning at the start and end of the school day, before and after eating and when returning from breaks
  • Good personal hygiene – ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’
  • Minimising contact between year group ‘bubbles’ and maintaining social distancing as much as possible
  • Staggered start and end of the school day and staggered lunch and break times
  • Children can mix with other children in their year group during the day but will not be allowed to mix with children from other year groups
  • Children will be seated side-by-side and not opposite each other
  • Regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces throughout the school day and a thorough clean at the end of each day

Furthermore, we would ask that parents/carers support us to keep everyone safe by observing the following:

  • Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19, or who has someone in their household with symptoms, should not come to school. Please follow Government guidance
  • We ask that only one adult drops off and collects children to minimise the number of people on site
  • Please remember to wear a face mask (unless exempt) at all times on the school site
  • Parents/carers should maintain social distancing on site. Please do not gather in groups or for a chat on the school site or at the gates

What should my child(ren) bring to school?

  • Children should wear full school uniform when school reopens. Please log in to your ParentPay account to select and pay for items of uniform. Items can be collected from the next working day – please bring your receipt to the main school office
  • Children will be provided with their own pack of stationery and will not be able to bring pencil cases or any other equipment from home
  • Children will need to bring a named water bottle to school each day
  • School lunches will be provided as normal.  Children can bring packed lunches in lunch boxes
  • School bags are permitted in school

On days when children have PE, they should wear their full William Byrd PE kit to school and remain in it for the whole day:

  • Black shorts or black footless leggings and white T shirts (long or short-sleeved).
  • Black plimsolls or trainers
  • Blue or black plain sweatshirt and jogging pants for colder weather

You will shortly receive a separate letter confirming PE days

Will Breakfast Club be running?

Breakfast Club will be running from Monday 8 March starting at 8.00am. Please note that there will be a daily charge of £1 per child per day. There is no charge for pupil premium children (those currently or previously in receipt of free school meals).

What if my child is ill?

Any child showing Coronavirus symptoms MUST stay at home. 

Please be aware that if any child starts showing symptoms during the day they will be isolated and parents will be phoned to come and collect them.  They will then need to get a test for the virus and we will advise you how to do this. 

In the event of someone in the school testing positive for the virus, children may be asked to stay at home and self-isolate for 10 days in accordance with current guidelines. In all cases of self-isolation, remote learning will be provided.  

If your child is ill and you are at all unsure about whether to send your child to school, please contact us before sending your child in.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

We are all looking forward to seeing you again on 8 March.


Mrs S. Roberts
Head of School