End of Year Celebration Assembly
2018 has been an amazing year for William Byrd and we had lots to celebrate in our End of Year Celebration Assembly. The biggest achievement this year has been to be recognised officially as the second best primary school in Hillingdon. We are incredibly proud of our children and staff who are always striving to do their best and a special thanks to our parents/carers for always supporting us.
We had lots of certificates to give out in our assembly, we started off with Pupil of the Term Certificates. One child from each class was presented with a Pupil of the Term Certificate and this was a very difficult task for many teachers as all our students are so hard working. All teachers gave reasons for their nominated child in assembly. Well done to all our winners!
Attendance does matter and we were so pleased to give out so many 100% Attendance Certificates to all the children who maintained 100% attendance for the Autumn Term.
As part of our drive to promote Reading for Pleasure we had a Book Corner Competition. All our classes did a great job transforming their book corners and it was really difficult for our School Parliament to pick the winners. After a lot of thought and deliberation, they all agreed and announced 4E and 5K as their winners. Well done to the winning classes, who will be awarded with some new books for their book corners in the new year.
In addition to this, we were also running a competition for reading in an unusual place. We had some amazing entries and the competition was tough. We had winners in five categories; Early Years, Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2, Upper Key Stage 2 and a Staff Prize. Well done to all our winners. We will be displaying our winning pictures in the school and look forward to showing them off to you.
As in all our Celebration Assemblies the children were given birthday cards, Lunchtime Awards and Class Dojo certificates. Congratulations and well done to everyone.
Finally we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 8th January 2019.