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  • Year 3 Sleepover

    Published 05/07/23

    William Byrd hosted its first ever Year 3 sleepover. We came in on Friday night and had a pizza buffet. Then we did exciting activities like making loom bracelets, playing board games, outdoor sports and even glitter tattoos and henna. We winded down with a twilight walk, a 'midnight' snack and a movie. We slept on mats on the hall, surrounded by our friends! In the morning, we had breakfast outside and headed home (for a nice nap)! 

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  • William Byrd Primary Academy Wins Award for Young Carer Support

    Published 27/06/23

    William Byrd Primary Academy has been given a Bronze award for their work to make sure students don’t miss out on an education because they are young carers.

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  • Year 4 STEMazing Activites

    Published 23/06/23

    Over the past term Year 4 have been inspired by some STEMazing people who work in STEM professions. They have been teaching them science for the last 6 weeks. This week we tested 5 items per group (one paper clip, one jelly bean, one coin, one scrunched up ball of paper and one plastic lid) to discover the density of each. We also added mixed water, then 100 ml of oil in their plastic receptacles to compare the density of water and oil. A few drops of food colouring were needed, too! They had record sheets to write down about the density of each and every item. They used their powers of observation to see if items would sink or float.  Children enjoyed every bit of it and they felt as if they were significant scientists. 

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  • Nursery Celebrates Superheroes Day

    Published 16/06/23

    Today our nursery children, their parents, and teachers took part in a superhero-themed day. Everyone looked amazing. We had a wide variety of characters and individual superheroes across the nursery. The children were given opportunities to explore themed activities. They enjoyed creating superhero masks or capes, completing the superhero obstacle course, knocking down walls, and much more. The superhero play can support children's learning. It captures their imagination and allows them to freely explore the world around them and to make sense of the word through discussing another character or pretending to be a character as a superhero. There were so many smiles; it truly was a magical day enjoyed by all.

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  • Year 6 PGL Trip

    Published 12/06/23

    Year 6 showed incredible enthusiasm, skill and resilience on our residential trip to PGL! The children were given opportunities to take part in outdoor activities that both supported and challenged them!

    Some of these included scaling our way to the top of a 6 -metre pole before leaping off to reach a trapeze; zooming down a zip-wire; working as a team on Jacob's Ladder; learning new knots to build a buggy and aiming for a bullseye when learning archery! Year Six dove into every activity with courage and determination, encouraging one another to give every new experience a go!

    We had the most fun and have made such incredible memories! 

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  • Reception Dental Workshop

    Published 09/06/23

    The children in Reception had an opportunity to learn about an oral hygiene and participated in a Dental Workshop delivered by Mrs McGregor from Whittington Health Dental Department. The children learnt about the importance of having a healthy diet and tooth brushing techniques that will help keep their teeth shiny and healthy.

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  • Year 5 Exploring the Scientific World of Materials

    Published 09/06/23

    This term in Year 5 we are working scientifically with Materials and changes of materials. One example was separating mixtures, using filtration. The children were able to test the clarity of the water using a water clarity measurer.

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  • Year 1 Trip to St Peter and St Paul's Church

    Published 09/06/23

    In RE in Year One this term we have been learning all about Christianity. We decided to go for a walk to St Peter and St Paul's church. When we got there, we explored the grounds of the church, had a look at the stained-glass windows and learnt about when the church was built. 

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  • Reception Exploring the Wonders of the Ocean

    Published 08/06/23

    On 8th June we celebrated World Oceans Day and children in Reception were very excited to take part in various activities related to sea life. This was a great opportunity to learn how we can look after our oceans and waters.

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  • Dodgeball Finals

    Published 05/06/23

    A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our dodgeball team who have now officially placed 8th in the South East of England!

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  • A Blooming Butterfly Exhibition in Our Nursery

    Published 26/05/23

    Such an amazing end to the term in our nursery! 

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  • Congratulations Year 6!

    Published 25/05/23

    Congratulations, Year 6 students, on completing your SATs! With the SATs now behind you, it's time to embrace the next chapter in your academic journey. Whether you're transitioning to a new school, starting secondary education, or exploring different opportunities, approach this new phase with enthusiasm and a sense of adventure. Your SAT results do not define you; they merely open doors to a world of possibilities.

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