Latest News

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  • A Visit from Banji Alexander

    Published 15/12/23

    On Friday 15th December, we had the author Banji Alexander visiting. Banji Alexander is the author of the book Lockdown Looms: Reggie’s Birthday Party. His vocabulary-rich, fictional text was written specifically to help children conceptualise everything that all children experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • Design Technology - Year 3 Making Tacos

    Published 12/12/23

    Year 3 enjoyed making tacos for their DT lesson. They planned out what ingredients they wanted to use and then proceeded to make them.

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  • Year 3 Visit the Natural History Museum

    Published 07/12/23

    Year 3 had a lovely time at the Natural History Museum looking at exhibits such as the dinosaurs, fossils, insects and mammals over time. Our favourite part was definitely the dinosaur in a Christmas jumper!

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  • Christmas Jumper Day

    Published 07/12/23

    We celebrated Christmas Jumper Day on Friday 8th December this year. We invited all our children and staff to pull on their most Christmassy jumper to help raise funds for Save the Children.

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  • Christmas Preparations in Nursery

    Published 06/12/23

    We are really getting into the festive spirit in Nursery. As we are fast approaching the end of term we have started making Christmas cards and Christmas decorations to celebrate the festive season. This week children have been super excited about decorating our Nursery Christmas tree.

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  • Ready for a Ball!

    Published 06/12/23

    On Monday 4 December, Reception children had a special fairy-tale ball to celebrate all their learning.

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  • 'Tis the season to be jolly!'

    Published 01/12/23

    Heathrow Rangers helping us get ready for Christmas

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  • We're Going on a Leaf Hunt

    Published 29/11/23

    Our topic this term is 'Let's Explore' and as part of this we have been exploring the season of Autumn.

    The beauty of autumn certainly gives us something to smile about! Watching the leaves steadily change colour, jumping in the crunchy ones when they’ve fallen to the ground and discovering shiny conkers – there are so many things to enjoy in this season. 

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  • Moon Rocks in Year 3

    Published 29/11/23

    Year 3 we're lucky enough to 'borrow the moon' this half term. The moon rocks were presented in a permanently sealed Perspex disc which contains lunar soil and rock samples of different types.

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  • No Pens Day

    Published 29/11/23

    This year, we hosted our first ever No Pens Day alongside Speech and Language UK. No Pens Day is exactly how it sounds, it's a full day of talking and listening! Why did we do it? To encourage oracy throughout the school and to celebrate those who may have difficulties with speech. Classes took part in various drama, debate, speech, discussion and oracy activities throughout the year. Pupils wore bright colours so they could shine as loud as their voices, and we collected money to donate to Speech and Language UK. Here are a few of the favourite activities from the day:

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  • Flower Art

    Published 27/11/23

    Year 2 have been learning about the different ways flowers are used in Art, they have been exploring different themes, colours, representations and have been using various mediums to create sketches and paintings.

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  • Christmas Cards in the Making!

    Published 24/11/23

    It is the time of the year when we are thinking about Christmas cards!

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