Spelling Bee
We are thrilled to share that the Spring Spelling Bee at William Byrd was a great success this year.
We are thrilled to share that the Spring Spelling Bee at William Byrd was a great success this year.
On Thursday 1 February, we took 46 children to the OVO Wembley Area to perform in one of the world's largest choir. Thousands of students from schools across England joined in song. We have been preparing since September and sang songs including 'The Moment' and 'Matilda Medley'. We were one of few schools who learned all of the Makaton (sign language) to go along with the songs and were even complimented on it by other schools and teachers.
In writing, our next unit is all about the Amazon Rainforest. On Monday 29th January we came to school dressed up as an animal you might find in the Amazon.
Our Young Carers had lots of fun this week playing with our school guinea pigs. There were lots and smiles and laughter and everyone had a wonderful time.
Please see linked below the SEND and Inclusion Newsletter which is written by the Local Authority and sent to all schools in Hillingdon.
In year 1 today we had some special visitors who helped us learn how to cross the road safely. We now know that there are 4 important rules we must follow when crossing the road.
On Monday 19th January, Year 5 took part in an Active Road and Safety workshop. This production promoted the key road safety messages and raised awareness of distractions such a phones, music and friends.
Nursery has started its Stay and Play sessions this term. The first session was a great success. It was wonderful to see many parents and carers taking part in various activities with their children.
17/01/23: The Growing Hope gardening group were very excited to see that the garlic and carrots they planted are growing. They also enjoyed decorating milk bottles to use as watering cans.
To celebrate Christmas in Year 1 we invited parents in to do some Christmas crafts with their child. We made reindeer food, decorated biscuits with icing and sprinkles, made our own baubles using tissue paper, paper plates and ribbon and painted some lovely Christmas trees.
This year, we have embarked on an enterprise journey. Groups in each class formed businesses that needed to plan and pitch products that would be sold at our Christmas Market (December 19th). Here are the steps we have taken:
Any profit will be used towards Year 6 activities, voted on by the pupils
Every pupil from Years 1-6 participated in our 500-word challenge. Each pupilplanned, drafted, edited and published a 500-word story of their choosing. They then typed up their story and designed the page to match the setting and character descriptions that they wrote. Then, every pupil rehearsed and presented their story to their whole class. The class and teacher voted on the two best stories, which were submitted to the BBC 500-word contest AND were presented at the WBPA Storytelling Festival on November 30th for family and friends.