Latest News

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  • Year 5 Learning about Recycling

    Published 04/06/19

    Did you know that by the time the children in Year 5 are 40 years old, there will be more plastic in the sea than fish!

    Year 5 have been developing their persuasive writing techniques and have been researching about the destruction single use plastics are having on our environment. In order to hook the children into the topic, children collected various different recycling materials and created a class display that depicts the devastation being caused.

    The children were all very engaged and became quite passionate about the topic and discussed ways that we can help our environment and save the planet.


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  • ZooLab Visit Nursery & Reception

    Published 03/06/19

    ZooLab visited our Nursery and Reception children on Monday 3rd June.  Some amazing creatures had come to visit and the children learnt lots of amazing facts about various mini beasts.  The children had the opportunity to see and hold a stick insect, an African land snail, a cockroach and even a very friendly corn snake!  


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  • Year 6 Butlin's Trip 2019

    Published 20/05/19

    Our Year 6 children started their journey to Butlin's on Monday 20th May.  Keep a track of what they are up to on a daily basis with our regular updates.

    Monday 20 May

    09:30 - Left school on time all excited about the week ahead!
    11:51 - We are in Bognor Regis now.  Time for lunch before we head off to Butlin's.
    12:24 - We have had lunch and we are now playing in the park.
    13:13 - We have arrived!! 
    14:04 - Having lots of fun at the fair.
    18:13 - Relaxing after the funfair.
    19:58 - We have had a fantastic evening.  We have completed a scavenger hunt around the site.  Now we are off for some hot chocolate and then bed.

    Tuesday 21 May

    08:26 - Good morning everyone! We are enjoying a yummy breakfast to get us started for the day.
    09:00 - First stop, archery.
    09:51 - Well done to our archery winners!
    11:40 - In the Skyline discovering animals.  Getting close to the snakes!
    12:00 - Lunchtime
    13:48 - We are enjoying making and decorating our note books in a Arts and Crafts session. 
    14:00 - We are about to start our dance workshop.
    14:48 - Thoroughly enjoyed doing a fun dance routine to 'Gangnam Style'.
    17:42 - We have had dinner and now we are enjoying a bowling session.
    19:05 - We are now playing a game of sand cricket and rounders.  The sun is still shining and Mr Burns has been buried in the sand!

    Wednesday 22 May

    08:43 - Good morning!  It's day 3 we are having breakfast and then we are off for our first activity.
    09:33 - We have started to learn some circus skills.  We are becoming expert jugglers and diabolists.
    13:30 - The sun is shining, we are swimming and having an amazing time!
    17:00 - We have had dinner and we are all set for our Go-Karting session.
    19:38 - Having fun at the disco!!

    Thursday 23 May

    09:00 - Good morning! We have had breakfast and are ready for another action packed day.  We are spending the morning climbing, zip wire and high ropes.  
    11:38 - It's a beautiful day and we are enjoying the beautiful beach before lunch.
    13:41 - Enjoying a cheerleading session.
    14:58 - Having a fun football match.
    15:30 - We are back enjoying the beach.
    20:00 - We had a lovely dinner and finished the day off by watching a film at the cinema.

    Friday 24 May

    11:04 - Good morning everyone! We have had breakfast and bought our souvenirs and now we are off to our drumming workshop.
    13:30 - We have started making our way back to William Byrd Primary Academy and aim to be the school at 16:00.  See you all soon!


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  • SATs Tests - Well Done Year 6

    Published 17/05/19

    We would like to congratulate all of our Year 6 pupils on all their hard work during Year 6 SATs assessment week.  Our pupils have worked extremely hard to get the best result possible and are an absolute credit to William Byrd Primary Academy.

    Whilst important, the tests can only be a measure of your children’s attainment on the day, in only reading, maths and spelling, grammar and punctuation. Your end of year report will give a broader overview of your child’s achievements and successes across the year.

    Thank you to all the parents who have given such positive support to the children, school and staff for the SATs tests. I am sure that you will appreciate how hard everyone has worked, not only to prepare children for the tests but to ensure that a balance has been maintained with the other subjects in the curriculum. Thank you to all the adults who have been involved in supporting and preparing the children for this week.

    Year 6, we are very proud of you! Well done! The children enjoyed celebrating with activities on the field and a film in the afternoon.

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  • Nursery Maths Workshop

    Published 17/05/19

    On Friday 17th May Nursery held a Maths Workshop for parents/carers to discover simple ways of how they can support and improve their child's maths development at home.

    Parents/carers had the opportunity to carry out numerous maths activities with their child during the session.  Thank you to everyone who attended.

    If you would like more information about supporting your child at home with maths please do not hesitate to speak to our Nursery staff who will be happy to help.


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  • Cake Sale in Aid of Autism Awareness

    Published 17/05/19

    To help us support children with autism at our school we held a fundraising cake on sale on Friday 17th May.  Thank you to everyone who generously donated cakes and helped us raise money for this cause.


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  • Planting in Year 4

    Published 15/05/19

    Some children in Year 4 have been upcycling empty tins from our kitchen and painting them to make hanging vegetable and flower tubs!

    Others have sown carrots and peas in our vegetable garden which are flourishing amongst the lettuce that are now being cut to eat in the salad bar at lunchtimes.

    A variety of tomatoes, green beans, lettuce and  sunflower seeds have also been sown to plant into tubs and into the vegetable patch. You can see the children here planting out some of the biggest seedlings in trays where they will feed and water them before planting them outside later in the term.

    Any surplus plants will be on sale at our Summer Fair in response to the many people who have requested this after last year’s successful season. If you have any empty pots which we could use for this please send them in with your child.


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  • Year 2 Mr Men Day

    Published 14/05/19

    In English Year 2 have been reading lots of Mr Men and Little Miss books written by Roger Hargreaves.  On Tuesday 14th May children were invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite Mr Men/Little Miss character.  During the day the whole year group got involved in various activities and even did some detective work! 

    Each classroom had a secret visit from one of the Mr Men characters.  Our little detectives had to work out which of the characters it might have been by looking at all the clues in the classroom.  Children also produced some excellent stories, read lots of books and made some great pictures of their favourite characters.

    Everyone looked great and the day was thoroughly enjoyed by all.


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  • Reception Trip to Whipsnade Zoo

    Published 30/04/19

    On Tuesday 30th April Reception had a brilliant time at Whipsnade Zoo as part of their Animals and Life Cycles topic. The sun was shining and the children were as good as gold!  The children saw lots of different animals and had fun exploring the zoo. 

    At lunch time everyone enjoyed a lovely picnic followed by a much anticipated play on the big playground. The children also had the opportunity to meet Danielle the Zoo Keeper who taught them all about the life cycle of a butterfly and some even had the chance to dress up too. 

    Children returned to school happy but tired after such an exciting day.  Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day and made the day so memorable for our Reception children.


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  • Easter Bonnet Day & Easter Egg Hunt

    Published 04/04/19

    On Thursday 4th April we celebrated Easter in style with Easter Bonnet Day.  Children and staff were invited to come to school wearing their Easter bonnets.   Children pulled out all the stops and we saw some 'eggcellent' hats! 

    To continue with our Easter festivities we arranged for the children in each class to participate in an Easter Egg Hunt.  The children had fun looking for their Easter Eggs around our school halls and to top it off they got to enjoy a sweet treat at the end.  Yummy!


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  • Design Technology Day

    Published 03/04/19

    On Wednesday 3rd April the whole school got busy planning, designing and evaluating their brilliant creations for Design Technology Day. 

    In each year group children used various skills to produce their masterpieces and we saw some amazing work throughout the school. 

    Children got involved with cooking, painting, modelling using clay, biscuit decorating, block printing and much more!


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  • Fresh Water Theatre Visit to Year 1

    Published 01/04/19

    The Fresh Water Theatre is one of the most recognised drama-in-education companies in the UK.  They provide learning opportunities that enable creative expression whilst embedding subject knowledge. 

    The facilitator from the company brought our Year 1 topic of Materials to life.  Children were engaged throughout the session and learnt the differences between various materials such as: wood, metal, plastic, glass and fabric in a fun and engaging way.


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