Latest News

Page 26

  • Friendship Week

    Published 11/11/19

    The whole school took part in a variety of activities during Friendship Week celebrating kindness and friendship at William Byrd.

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  • Parliament Week

    Published 04/11/19

    William Byrd took part in Parliament Week between the 4th November and 8th November.  Throughout the week children took part in many class discussions:

    • Should we plant more trees on the field?
    • Should we ban single use plastic?
    • Should we make lessons longer?
    • Should we have more after school clubs?
    • Should we have more equipment in the school playground?
    • Should we have a school tidy up day?
    • Should we add a new subject?
    • Should we change the table tennis table into a bench with games on it?

    Children visited the Vote Box throughout the week to put in their votes for our whole school vote.  

    Should we decorate the corridor between the two halls with children's work?

    The results:

    Ayes to the right - 272

    No's to the left - 27

    Our School Parliament will be meeting up to discuss the next steps.


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  • Halloween Disco

    Published 01/11/19

    A big thank everyone who came to our family Halloween Disco.  The children and adults had a SPOOKTASTIC time and danced the night away. The costumes were fantastic and incredibly scary!  Thank you to Miss Darby and all the staff that helped organise such a fabulous event.  


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  • Nursery Diwali Day

    Published 29/10/19

    Our nursery children celebrated Diwali on Friday 29th October.  The children were invited to come to school in their Diwali/party clothes to celebrate the day.  The children looked amazing and took part in various Diwali related activities including rangoli, henna, bollywood dancing and much more.  

    We would like to say a special thank you to Sanjna Murti who came in and gave the children a talk about the Diwali the 'festival of lights' and how it is celebrated.  The children and staff had a wonderful time.  


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  • Art Day

    Published 17/10/19

    The whole school from Reception to Year 6 participated in a range of skills from sewing, chalk, painting, collage and much more on our Art Day.  We saw some amazing art across the school from our talented children.  Everyone enjoyed the day and all the children got the chance to show off their creative skills and unique imaginations.


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  • Year 4 Egyptian Banquet Day

    Published 17/10/19

    This term Year 4 have been looking into Ancient Egyptian life.  The children had the opportunity to enjoy a grand Egyptian banquet with a range of foods typical in Egyptian life from avocados to houmous as well as falafel and feta cheese. Tasting new and different flavours is something which the children particularly enjoyed together and they shared their opinions with their class friends during the banquet. 


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  • Year 5 Trip to France

    Published 14/10/19

    Our Year 5 children started their journey to Disneyland Paris this morning.  Keep a track of what they are up to on a daily basis with our regular updates.

    Monday 14 October

    06:50 - Our children left school on time and are really excited about the next few days. We are on our way to Folkestone.  Let the fun times begin!
    11:15 - We have safely arrived in France and we are on our way to the chocolate factory.
    14:45 - Having a chocolate masterclass and trying out pure cocoa.
    18:00 - We have had a great time at the chocolate factory and we have arrived at our hotel, Chateau de Grande Romaine.  Everyone is settled into their rooms and is looking forward to dinner.
    18:45 - Dinner time! Enjoying a meal at the hotel restaurant.  Some of us even tried snails!
    19:30 - Enjoying our evening activity before bed.
    21:00 - Bedtime - We are all very excited and looking forward to seeing Disneyland tomorrow.

    Tuesday 15 October

    06:45 - We are up and having a yummy warm breakfast before making our way to Disneyland!
    08:00 - We are all super excited and on the coach making our way to Disneyland.  Looking forward to a fun packed day.
    08:45 - We have arrived!
    10:00 - We are queueing for our first ride.  Let the fun times begin!
    12:00 - It's mid day already and we have enjoyed so many rides and we still have a few more to go!
    13:00 - It's lunchtime.
    14:30 - Going on more rides and looking forward to seeing the parade soon.
    18:30 - We have had a fantastic day at Disneyland today.  We are back at our hotel having dinner.
    19:45 - The fun is still not over, we are singing songs around the campfire!
    21:00 - Bedtime - Looking forward to another fun packed day tomorrow.

    Wednesday 16 October

    07:30 - We are up and are having our last breakfast in France.  We are looking forward for another fantastic day at the French bakery, Boulangerie.
    08:45 - We are on the coach and making our way to the Boulangerie.
    13:00 - Trying delicious croissants before attempting to make our own.
    13:30 - Having a masterclass on how to make and bake the perfect croissants and bread.
    14:15 - Heading off to have a well deserved lunch.
    15:00 - Having a yummy lunch at Flunch.
    15:45 - Making our way to the the train station.
    16:30 - Getting on the train.  Goodbye France!
    17:30 - Just stopped at the services.  We will be home very soon.


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  • Nursery Reading Workshop

    Published 11/10/19

    On Friday 11th October we invited parents/carers to a Reading Workshop held by representatives from Harlington Library.  They shared tips on how to make reading fun with children and how to get children to love books from a very young age. 

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  • Year 5 Wonder Dome Visit

    Published 10/10/19

    On Thursday 10th October Year 5 had the opportunity to watch a fascinating, fun and interactive planetarium show, Wonder Dome.

    They went on incredible learning journey about the solar system, the stars and planets; space exploration and other fascination astronomy topics.

    The children saw the entire night sky projected inside the dome and they looked at the beautiful stars and constellations in the night sky. The presenter explained how to identify certain stars and constellations and also told some magical stories from Ancient Greek Mythology.  


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  • Pizza Day!

    Published 03/10/19

    Children having school dinners enjoyed pizza and curly fries on our special Pizza Day.  It was lovely to see all our children tucking in and enjoying their tasty lunch!


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  • Year 6 Heathrow Coding Challenge

    Published 30/09/19

    Year 6 spent an exciting afternoon completing the Heathrow Coding Challenge led by Spark!  Children applied their coding and maths skills to a range of challenges and were encouraged to develop their interpersonal and teamwork skills. 


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  • Macmillan Coffee Morning

    Published 27/09/19

    Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Macmillan Coffee Morning.  It was lovely to see so many parents, and members of the community enjoying some cake and coffee over a friendly chat.  Thank you to everyone who generously donated all the fabulous cakes to sell.


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