Latest News

Page 24

  • Year 1 Visit the Magical Toy Museum

    Published 09/03/20

    A facilitator from the Fresh Water Theatre visited our Year 1 children on Monday 9th March to give the children a history lesson all about toys of the past and present.

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  • Science Week

    Published 09/03/20

    William Byrd really enjoyed science week! We had a range of experiments taking place within the school from planting seeds in different environments, learning about insulators and conductors and animals that camouflage just to name a few.  All our mini scientists were able to make predictions, observations and explain why some things occur as well as talk about changes.

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  • The Riot Act Safety Workshop

    Published 06/03/20

    The Riot Act Theatre Company visited school on Friday 6th March to perform "Death at the Bus Stop"

    The theatre company delivered important educational messages to the pupils through their performance.

    The project taught the children key transitional road safety skills, enabling them to become safe and sustainable travellers, raising awareness of:

    ➢ The importance of good road safety skills around roads and buses

    ➢ Highlighting distractions such as phones, friends and peer influence

    ➢ Motivating students to identify acceptable and unacceptable behaviour around roads

    Each child filled in their own incident report and examined an accident scene in which a young person has been hit by a car after getting off a bus. Using live drama, multi-media and an interactive set the children listened to witness statements, looked for clues and questioned key characters to find out what happened and how it could’ve been avoided. 


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  • World Book Day

    Published 05/03/20

    We celebrated World Book Day with style this year; the whole school including the staff got dressed up in their favourite book characters and everyone looked great! 

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  • Year 6 SATs Workshop & Support

    Published 26/02/20

    We were pleased to hold two Year 6 SATs workshops for parents/carers on Wednesday 26th February.  It was great to see so many parents/carers in both sessions. We hope you all found the workshop useful and it gave you a good insight to what the SATs expectations are, the types of questions children will be asked and how you can support your child at home.

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  • Nursery Planting Daffodils

    Published 24/02/20

    Sounds of happy and excited children came from our Nursery garden as our children got busy preparing for Mothers Day by planting daffodil bulbs.  Over the coming weeks children will be able to see where flowers come from and watch them grow.  

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  • Design Technology Day

    Published 12/02/20

    It was Design Technology Day on Wednesday 12th February and the whole school was busy planning, executing and then making their Design Technology masterpieces. 

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  • William Byrd Singing on Good Deeds Day

    Published 11/02/20

    Good Deeds Day is a day of mass student volunteering where hundreds of students from Brunel University London and Uxbridge College perform numerous ‘good deeds’ in the Pavilions Uxbridge, INTU Uxbridge and Uxbridge Town Centre/surrounding areas.

    The students give their time to the local community and raise funds for the Mayor of Hillingdon's Charitable Trust.

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  • E-Safety Week

    Published 10/02/20

    We were very busy learning about the importance of E-Safety between Monday 10th February and Friday 14th February.

    The whole school learnt about how to keep themselves safe on-line, by hav​​​​ing a specific E-Safety lesson every day.

    During the week we also invited parent/carers into school to talk about E-Safety and how to keep children safe on-line.  Thank you to all the parents that attended.  

    Please click on the links below to learn more about E-Safety.


    Think You Know - Education Programme From NCA-CEOP
    Hot Topics For Parents - Key Digital Issues
    Keeping Your Child Safe Online
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  • Year 6 Active Maths Lesson

    Published 30/01/20

    Our children across the school have been enjoying their Active Maths lessons.  Most recently our Year 6 children were learning long division in the playground!

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  • Year 3 History Hook Day

    Published 15/01/20

    On Thursday 15th January Year 3 explored the Victorians on History Hook Day.  The children were taught a lesson in a Victorian classroom following Victorian school rules and discovered how the Victorians lived and who they were.  

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  • Nursery Holiday Homework

    Published 08/01/20

    We were happy to see so many of our parents/carers getting involved and producing some magnificent castles over the Christmas holidays with their children.  We have proudly displayed everyones hard work in our Nursery for everyone to enjoy.  


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