Latest News

Page 22

  • Ladybirds in Reception

    Published 29/04/21

    Our children in Reception have been learning all about the lifecycle of a ladybird. Children have learnt about the four stages of the life cycle: the egg, larva, pupa and adult through various fun and engaging classroom activities.

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  • Sunflowers & Sunshine

    Published 28/04/21

    Reception children learnt all about plants for their Sunflowers & Sunshine Project. They had the opportunity to plant onions and sow various seeds in our garden which they will observe growing in the coming weeks.

    Our class children took inspiration from famous artists like Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picasso to create their own masterpieces. They explored different art techniques to draw and paint their sunflowers, cubism inspired tulips and daffodils.

    Children took home a special booklet showcasing all their amazing art. Click on the links below to see our online art gallery. Enjoy!

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  • Yr 4 Arts Programme 'Out of this World'

    Published 27/04/21

    Year 4 have been taking part in the 'Out of this World' six-week arts programme by Delight, which our friends from Heathrow Airport have organised for us. 

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  • Heathrow Book Donation

    Published 23/04/21

    Heathrow Airport have teamed up with Hillingdon Community Trust and the Ihezie Foundation and have donated a massive 2000 books to our school.

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  • Sports Superstars

    Published 23/04/21

    This week we are delighted to announce our Sports Superstars 2020-2021. 

    Congratulations to:

    1 Monet Ilyas and Aliza 
    1 Hepworth Ignor and Masie 
    1 Kahlo Theon and Sukhnoor 
    2 Seacole Ibrahim and Emily 
    2 Anning Arham and Yukta 
    3 Brunel Stephen and Nerile 
    3 Lovelace Takuur and Livleen 
    3 Newton Atif and Reef 
    4 Tendulkar Teni and Maisy 
    4 Simmonds Hanzallah and Amira 
    4 Farah Jon and Mayssa 
    5 Hawking Logan and Tia 
    5 Jemison Sawain and Aya 
    5 Curie Karam and Soraia 
    6 Angelou Noah and Idil 
    6 Shakespeare Wahidur and Amelia 
    6 Morpurgo Isaac and Natalia 


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  • Easter Fun!

    Published 20/04/21

    Leading up to the Easter holidays children across the school started doing lots of fun Easter craft. Nursery made beautiful baskets with sweet treats to take home and enjoy. Children made some 'eggcellent' Easter cards and pictures for their family and friends, and we also had some Easter egg hunts.

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  • Red Nose Day

    Published 19/03/21

    On Friday 19 March, William Byrd celebrated Red Nose Day by dressing up in red. The whole school got involved in various fun activities throughout the day.  Children had been preparing their jokes all week for the class Joke Competition and they certainly did a fantastic job of spreading laughter and smiles in the classrooms!

    We look forward to sharing how much we raised with you soon. Thank you for all your contributions and continuous support.


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  • PSHE ‘Reintroduce and Reconnect’

    Published 18/03/21

    We have been supporting children’s return to school through our well-planned ‘Reintroduce and Reconnect’ PSHE curriculum.  The activities we have taken part in are to help reignite our flame of learning through re-establishing friendships and connections with staff and others. Each day has begun with a carefully planned lesson based on the NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing: 

    To show connectedness across school and across year groups we have created a number of displays. We have created a whole school paper chain with each child sharing something they learnt or were proud of during lockdown. We have also created a paper hand chain which shows connectedness between different year groups. On the paper hands we wrote what we missed about being apart and what we like most about being together again. Each class has made a hopes and dreams 3D display to show what the children would like to achieve now they are back in school. 

    Here is a small selection of our displays across the school.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 04/03/21

    World Book Day (Thursday 4 March) was a little different this year as many of us celebrated the day at home.

    Children took part in various fun World Book Day activities including; taking part in our Bake-a-Story competition, creating a fun themed book corner, dressing up in their favourite book character and playing lots of fun games.

     A big well done to everyone for their amazing efforts!


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  • Home Learning

    Published 01/03/21

    Over the past few months we received so many photographs of children learning from home and showing us their fantastic work. Well done to all our children for their resilience, dedication and hard work. We are all very proud of you! Here are some examples of amazing work from our children.

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  • Christmas Lunch

    Published 16/12/20

    On Wednesday 16 December children and staff at William Byrd enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch. Crackers were pulled, jokes were shared, and festive music played throughout lunchtime to really get everyone into the Christmas spirit.

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  • Christmas Jumper Day

    Published 11/12/20

    Children and staff at William Byrd wore their festive jumpers to help raise money for Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day.

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