Latest News

Page 21

  • Year 1 Victorian Day

    Published 05/07/21

    Our Year 1 children have been learning all about the Victorians. To immerse them into their learning, we planned a special Victorian day and asked children to come to school dressed up in Victorian clothes.

    Children had the opportunity to experience what school was like in Victorian times. They were taught lessons in a Victorian classroom following Victorian school rules and discovered how the Victorians lived and who they were.

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  • The Rainbow Fish in Nursery

    Published 26/06/21

    Our Nursery children have been very busy enjoying activities in class inspired by The Rainbow Fish.

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  • Year 1 Walk around the Local Area

    Published 24/06/21

    As part of their History topic, Year 1 children walked around the local area on Thursday 24th June.

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  • Year 5 Lifecycles Presentations

    Published 11/06/21

    Year 5 have been creating presentations looking at the lifecycles of two contrasting animals. Children made sure they selected animals from different classes and examined the similarities and differences of these animals.

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  • Reception's Project 'Big Wide World'

    Published 01/06/21

    This term our Reception children have been learning about the global community to which they belong and exploring how living things, communities and climates differ around the world.

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  • Design Technology

    Published 26/05/21

    In Design Technology lessons, children have been using their creativity and imagination to design and make creative products.

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  • Teach Meet

    Published 25/05/21


    At William Byrd, our teachers are continually striving to develop and improve and on Friday 25 May, we had a ‘Teach Meet’ for teachers to share teaching tips, strategies and approaches.

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  • Heathrow Young Explorers

    Published 21/05/21

    Heathrow Young Explorers, Heathrow’s new challenge for Year 6 children, is a hands-on challenge linked to the curriculum established to inspire the next generation to consider a career at the airport. 

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  • Reception Welly Walk

    Published 19/05/21

    Reception children have started their new project 'Puddles and Rainbows'. This project teaches children about the weather that happens during spring and allows them to explore natural phenomena, including rainbows. It supports them to explore colour in the natural world.

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  • Planting Fun!

    Published 18/05/21

    This month, children have had fun planting various seeds in our garden and planting pots inside and outside the classroom. Over the coming weeks, children will be taking care of their plants and carefully observe how they grow.  The children are all excited to see their fully grown plants, as are we!

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  • Year 2 Road Safety Walk

    Published 17/05/21

    On Monday 17th May our Year 2 children went on a 'Road Safety Walk'.  Children learnt how to cross the road safely and used the 'STOP, LOOK and LISTEN' rule.  They learnt how to use their eyes, ears and to think when crossing different roads including a zebra crossing.

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  • Eid Day

    Published 14/05/21
    On Thursday 13 May, Eid Al-Fitr marked the end of the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims. To celebrate the occasion we invited children to come to school in their Eid/party clothes on Friday 14 May. Children in classes had a fun fill
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