Children In Need
Children in Need at William Byrd was another great success this year.
Children in Need at William Byrd was another great success this year.
Today Year 2 engaged in an activity related to Circle Time. We explored several ways to show kindness and compassion to each other. Children were taking turns presenting their ideas about what good choices they could make to show how kind they can be.
On Friday, 11th November children across the school reflected on the importance of people who protect us and keep us safe, especially the ones who suffered during the First World War.
On November 9th, the Year 3 children made the journey all the way to Stonehenge in Salisbury.
On Thursday 3rd November, Year 2 and 3 parents and carers were invited in to see the amazing artwork that their children had made in Autumn 1.
Year 2 children were inspired by their trip to Kew Gardens and created pictures of beautiful flowers and plants using pencil, paint, coloured pencils, crayons and pastels. Year 3 children spent time learning clay techniques such as making pinch pots, coils and slip. They put their skills together to create pots inspired by the Bell Beaker people of the Bronze Age.
Happy Diwali to everyone who is celebrating. Have a fantastic time from us all at William Byrd Primary Academy.
Children and staff at William Byrd Primary Academy wore yellow on World Mental Health Day to help raise awareness of children’s mental health. We managed to raise £213.82. Thank you to everyone for your kind donations and support.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Macmillan Coffee Morning. We raised an amazing £370!
Year 2 had an amazing day out to Kew Gardens on 28/09/22, they explored the grounds, investigated different kinds of plants, trees and flowers.
Year 4 really enjoyed their pedestrian training today and learnt how to cross roads safely. The training was delivered by the Road Safety Team from Hillingdon.
This Tuesday marked the 17th annual Roald Dahl Day and William Byrd spent some fun-filled time to celebrate this iconic author's birthday!