Latest News

Page 10

  • Cross Country Competition

    Published 25/05/23

    Even though we only had half our team, our annual cross-country competition was a great success! With a top placing of 5th (boys) and 8th (girls) in the individual positioning, our teams both placed 5th in the borough! This is incredible, and we can't wait till next year!

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  • Year 1 Victorian Day

    Published 24/05/23

    In Year One this term we have been learning all about the Victorian Era. We started learning about when the Victorian Era was and who the Victorian Era was named after. We then learnt about new inventions from the Victorian era and compared rich and poor life. We then compared our life now to what a child's life would have been like in the Victorian Era. 

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  • STEM Challenge: Build It!

    Published 24/05/23

    Every half term, all the children who have earned 100 or more dojos take part in a reward activity to celebrate their success. We have had board game sessions, movie afternoons, and baking class previously this year. On Tuesday, Ms. Preston led the children in a STEM Challenge: Build It! 

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  • The Great Science Share 2023

    Published 24/05/23

    Our Science Leaders had the most phenomenal day at St Mary's University taking part in The Great Science Share!

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  • The Sunflowers Exhibition

    Published 24/05/23

    As a part of our 'Sunshine and Sunflowers' project, children in Reception looked closely at Vincent Van Gogh and his fabulous art.

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  • Quadkids

    Published 24/05/23

    Some of our strongest athletes attended our first ever Quadkids; this includes all children completing a 600m, 75m sprint, Vortex throw and Standing long jump. School from across London attended, and we are very proud to come home with individual golds and an overall 11th place out of 18th! We can't wait to see what the summer brings for these talented kids!

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  • Heathrow Young Carers

    Published 23/05/23

    Heathrow Young Carers is the airport's new hands-on challenge for Year 6 students. The objective was to encourage younger people to reflect on a career in the aviation sector.

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  • A Resounding Success at the Book Fair!

    Published 23/05/23

    We were very excited to welcome the Book Fair back to our school this year! 

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  • Outdoor Fun in Reception

    Published 19/05/23

    The Reception children are making the most of their outdoor provision this term. Take a look at what they have been up to!


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  • Mental Health Awareness Week

    Published 19/05/23

    We have been celebrating mental health week. The theme is ‘Anxiety’, which is one of the most common mental health problems that people face. 1 in 6 children suffer from anxiety.

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  • Reception Exploring the Natural World

    Published 17/05/23

    The pupils in reception explored the surrounding natural environment, made observations, and created drawings of various plants and animals.

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  • Times Tables in Year 4

    Published 17/05/23

    We're delighted to be continuing inviting parents in to see what their children have been learning.

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