Latest News

July 2021

  • Year 6 Leavers 2021

    Published 23/07/21

    It's been an emotional time here at William Byrd as we say goodbye to our fantastic Year 6 children. They have been a fantastic year group and have coped with the challenges of this peculiar year so maturely. We wish them all the very best for the future and hope they let us know how they are getting on!

    Click on the links below to see some special videos from our Year 6 children and teachers:

    1. Year 6 Leavers 2021
    2. Year 6 Over the Years 
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  • Sports Days

    Published 19/07/21

    All of the children worked extremely hard during their sports day events, despite the very hot weather and so were very deserving of the points they earned for their allocated Olympic countries.

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  • Reception Virtual Safari Trip

    Published 14/07/21

    Our reception classes enjoyed a virtual safari trip in their classrooms as part of their project ‘The Big Wide World’. The classroom chairs were lined up like those of a tour bus and the children passed all the safari animals with excitement and cheer.

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  • Year 6 Transition Meetings

    Published 12/07/21

    We invited key staff from local secondary schools to talk to our Year 6 pupils about the exciting new journey they will embark on as they move into secondary school.

    The aim of these meetings is to talk to the children about the main changes between primary and secondary school, who their new teachers will be and also give them an opportunity to ask any questions or talk about any concerns that they may have moving into their new school.

    Thank you to all our visitors for taking the time out and visiting our school.


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  • William Byrd Reading Festival

    Published 12/07/21

    This month we celebrated reading by having a special William Byrd Reading Festival week. During the course of the week we explored and celebrated books, comics and illustrations.

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  • Art Day

    Published 09/07/21

    We held our curriculum Art Day on Friday 9 July. The children planned and designed their own pieces of work inspired by their research into the work and techniques of famous artists. The work was all linked to their class learning, and we’re sure you’ll agree that the pieces the children have created are worthy of the Tate! 

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  • Volcanoes

    Published 07/07/21

    For their Rocks, Relics and Rumbles unit in Geography to consolidate their previous home learning, Year 3 have built model volcanoes using our understanding of rock layers, magma chambers and tectonic plate movement to give a detailed impression of what happens when a volcano erupts.

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  • Year 1 Victorian Day

    Published 05/07/21

    Our Year 1 children have been learning all about the Victorians. To immerse them into their learning, we planned a special Victorian day and asked children to come to school dressed up in Victorian clothes.

    Children had the opportunity to experience what school was like in Victorian times. They were taught lessons in a Victorian classroom following Victorian school rules and discovered how the Victorians lived and who they were.

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