At William Byrd, we aim to deliver a PE curriculum, which allows pupils from Reception to Year 6 to experience a range of activities to aid their health, fitness and wellbeing development, as well as purely enjoying their time. We aim to provide high-quality physical education, which encourages children to aspire to their greatest potential, cooperate with their peer and to be resilient when facing challenges they may find difficult. We work hard to inspire all pupils to success and excel in competitive sports which provides the children with opportunities to build character and help embed values such as respect, cooperation and fairness; we pride ourselves on the motivation and talent our children possess within sports.
Through our Physical Education curriculum, we aim to:
· To develop competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities, through both competitive sports and PE lessons.
· Provide the pupils with information on how to lead healthy and active lifestyles using knowledge of how physical activity can help look after our bodies.
· Provide opportunities to engage and compete in a range of competitive sports and activities, both internally and externally.
· Ensure all our pupils are physically active for sustained periods.
Pupils at William Byrd are fortunate to be regularly taught by both teaching staff and specialised Sport instructors from Nursery to Year 6. The curriculum is thoroughly embedded with a range of indoor and outdoor activities to ensure a wide range of activities are covered. The curriculum is then enhanced further by the participation in a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, internal sporting competitions and external sporting tournaments with other schools. Pupils have the opportunity to become Sports Ambassadors, where they are able to undertake additional responsibilities to help inspire other pupils in the school and demonstrate good practise to younger pupils.
During each Key Stage, our practitioners focus on developing the pupils’ fundamental skills, which can be implemented across a wide range of activities. These skills are them applied and practised through sporting opportunities which cover Invasion skills, Net and Wall games, Athletics and Multiskills, Gymnastics, Dance and Swimming. Each classification challenges the pupils to embedded their fundamental skills as well as opportunities to excel their abilities. All children have the access to an inclusive curriculum; support is provided for children with SEND in line with other subject with differentiation and concentration on personal targets and development.
Parents are encouraged to ensure their children are in the correct uniform for their designated PE days (which can be identified on the school website).
Attitudes which are fundamental to PE are: curiosity, cooperation, fairness, respect, aspiration, open-mindedness, determination and exploration.
Sporting celebrations are undertaken as a whole school practise for both our pupils and staff. This can be through sports day achievements, class superstars, team achievements or individual recognition.
Pupils make progress in PE by challenging themselves both physically and their personal skills. These are then transferred and embed as key concepts into their long-term memory and apply them fluently.
We measure the impact of our curriculum in the following ways:
· Children demonstrate a positive attitude towards undertaking challenges in new or difficult situations.
· They demonstrate respectful behaviour to all and this is transferable outside of school in the wider community and beyond
· Assessing children’s understanding of fundamental skills through their implementation in sports and other activities
· Images and videos of the children’s learning as individuals and teams.
· Interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice)
· Lesson observations and learning walks.