Home Learning Champions
Complete your Home Learning tasks and get yourself a special mention on our Home Learning Champions page. We will be selecting children for; Reading, Writing, Maths, Project, Presentation and Home Learning Superstar.
The classes with highest
Can you see your name? If you can a big well done to you! Your class teacher
will award you Dojo Points every time you are mentioned on this page
Well done to the following children |
Well done to the following children |
Well done to the following children |
Well done to the following children |
Well done to the following children |
Well done to the following children |
Congratulations to our outstanding home learners!
Newsroom blurb
The Newsroom will be updated regularly with photos and videos from our children and teachers. We hope that this creates a positive link between the school, children and parents/carers. As well as this, we hope it keeps you in touch with what's happening in our school community.
If you would like to take photos of your child working at home or showing us some of the amazing things they have done then you can send them in to us using the class email addresses.