Summer Disco Tickets on Sale Now!
Thursday 13 July
Please note disco tickets are still available to purchase after school until Wednesday 12 July outside the front of the main school office from 3:20pm.
Please see below the cost of tickets (cash only):
- £4 each
- £7 siblings x2 (brother & sister)
- £10 siblings x3 (brothers & sisters)
Please note this does not include cousins or other relatives and all children who attend the Disco must be a pupil of our school.
We will have an amazing DJ, games and lots more. Children are welcome to bring money with them as there will be drinks, sweets and toys available to purchase on the evening.
- KS1 children (Years R-2) - Please ensure cash is brought in, in a sealed envelope with your child's name on and handed to your child's class teacher.
- KS2 children (Years 3-6) - Children can bring their money with them, when their disco starts at 4:45pm. Please ensure children arrive on time at the KS2/Hall double doors.
It would be best if the children could bring in 50p / £1 coins rather than pound notes.
Please remember children are not to walk home alone after the disco and children should be picked up by an adult. Please see timings below:
- Years R-2 - 3:30pm-4:45pm Children will be escorted over to the hall by their class teacher. Children are welcome to bring in a change of clothes.
- Years 3-6 - 4:45pm-6pm
Please ensure to collect your child on time.
If you have any further questions, please contact Miss Darby.