Extra-Curricular Clubs
Click here for more information
Dear Parents/Carers
I am pleased to inform you that we will be running after school extra-curricular Clubs throughout the Spring Term. Clubs will run from Monday 25th April to Friday 8th July with a Bank Holiday on Monday 2nd May, a week’s break for Half Term (Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June) and an INSET Day on Monday 4th July.
Children must be collected by an adult from every club, as no child will be able to walk home alone. Please note Sports Clubs & Enrichment Clubs will be booked via ParentPay on a first come, first serve basis. These clubs will go live on Monday 21st March at 3pm for parents/carers to register their child for a club of their choice and will close on Wednesday 30th March at 3pm. Please note, your child is only allowed one place in an Enrichment Club.
Teacher-led Enrichment Clubs (Monday & Wednesday - 3:15pm-4pm)
Enrichment Clubs run by the teachers are free of charge, however places in these clubs are limited, so please only choose from ONE of the below. Places for these clubs must be booked via ParentPay even though there is no charge.
Mon |
Outdoor Club (YR-Y2) |
Origami Club (Y3-Y4) |
Henna Club (Y3-Y6) |
Mindfulness Club (Y4-Y6) |
Wed |
Yoga Club (YR-Y2) |
Spanish Club (YR-Y2) |
Creativity Club (Y2-Y4) |
Astronomy Club (Y4-Y6) |
Once you have secured a place for your child, you will receive a confirmation slip with further details.
Sports Clubs (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - 3:15pm-4:15pm)
Sports Clubs will be charged at £30 per term. All payments for Sports Clubs will be made through ParentPay. Once payment has been made for your chosen Sports Club, please accept this as confirmation of your child’s place. Parents/carers will then receive a confirmation slip.
Monday |
Multi Sports (YR-Y2) |
Tuesday |
Multi Sports (Y4-Y6) |
Thursday |
Dodgeball (YR-Y2) |
Friday |
Dodgeball (Y3-Y6) |
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call the School Office on 01895 462 394.
Yours sincerely
Mr P Barton
Associate Assistant Head