Year 5 Adjustments to School Day Times
Friday 7 May
Dear Parents/Carers
Year 5 - Adjustments to school day times on Mondays and Wednesdays
We would first of all like to express my thanks to all of our families for your support, understanding and cooperation in helping to ensure that the start and end of the school day is as safe as possible for yourselves, our children and staff. Please can we ask that you all continue to observe social distancing and wear a face covering whilst on the school site.
In order to support our Year 5 children with preparation for Year 6, we are extending the school day, on 2 days each week to enable them to be as ready as possible. We will be focusing on reading in the first instance.
From Monday 17th May we will have adjusted pick up times for Year 5 — this will be from the same gate as now.
Start |
End |
Monday |
08:40 |
15:25 |
Tuesday |
08:40 |
14:55 |
Wednesday |
08:40 |
15:25 |
Thursday |
08:40 |
14:55 |
Friday |
08:40 |
14:55 |
We are sure that this extra hour a week to allow us to best support Year 5 children and their learning.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to speak with your child’s class teacher.
Yours sincerely
Year 5 Team