COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

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We would like to update you on some of the more frequently asked questions we have received from parents. You can find more Questions and Answers in our dedicated COVID-19 section. If you have a query which is not included in the FAQs on the website, please do speak to a member of the school staff at the start or end of the school day or call the Office on 01895 462394.

What Covid-19 Safety Measures are in place in and around school?

Children are getting used to being in their year group ‘bubbles’ during the day. Each year group bubble uses a separate playground for break times, a separate lunch hall for their lunch and their own separate toilets. Children are sitting in rows in their classrooms, facing the front.

As a school, we have worked very hard to put measures in place to make sure that we can keep all of our school community as safe as we possibly can. The Department for Education have issued safety guidance for all schools which we have to follow, including staggering the start and end of the school day and having different entry and exit points.

Children are cleaning their hands regularly throughout the day, including on arrival to school, before and after play times, after using the toilet and before eating.

For more detailed information, you can view our school Risk Assessment on our website in our dedicated COVID-19 section. This explain the robust measures we have put in place to help keep children, staff and parents as safe as possible.

What do I do if my child is unwell with COVID-19 symptoms?

Main symptoms:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

You can seek advice by calling NHS 111 or visiting

PLEASE NOTE: If your child is displaying any of the above symptoms of Coronavirus, please do not send them to school and arrange to get a test immediately.

What will happen if my child becomes unwell at school with COVID-19 symptoms?

You can seek advice by calling NHS 111 or visiting

What do I do if my child is unwell but I am not sure if it is COVID-19 or something else?

At this time of year, there are many common childhood illnesses circulating including:

  • Diarrhoea and vomiting
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose or other symptoms similar to a cold or flu

Any of these symptoms do not necessarily mean your child has Covid-19. A sore throat and runny nose are typically the first signs of a cold and, if they do not have a temperature and are well enough, can still come to school. If, however, you are in any doubt keep them at home and monitor for 48 hours. If their condition worsens or you are still concerned, do seek medical advice as detailed above and keep school informed.

You can find more information here:

How can I make sure I continue to receive frequent communication from the school?

We communicate with families in the following ways:

  • Our school website
  • Text message
  • Email
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Letters home