The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012 create an explicit requirement that all appointed governors have the skills required to contribute to effective governance and the success of the school. The specific skills that governing bodies need to meet their particular challenges will vary. It is therefore for governing bodies and other appointing persons to determine in their own opinion, having regard to departmental advice, what these skills are and be satisfied that the governors they appoint have them. Schools and appointing bodies may interpret the word skills to include personal attributes, qualities and capabilities, such as the ability and willingness to learn and develop new skills.Please tell us about your personal and professional skills and attributes which you will use to support the work of the governing body.
Governors must attend governing body and committee meetings throughout the year, mostly in the evenings. Governors must also make planned visits to the school during the daytime around once per term. This involves a time commitment from you.
Governors need to attend training for the role and develop their skills and understanding to support the school. This may mean attending training in evenings or sometimes during the day.
Governors must be actively involved in meetings by reading papers in advance, preparing questions, listening and contributing to discussions and ideas for improving the school.
Governors are likely to be asked to undergo an identity and criminal records check as part of the appointment process.
Please click here to read the criteria to confirm that you are not disqualified from serving as a school governor.